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World Premiere 

Pacific Resident Theater, Los Angeles, CA 8/10/19 - 12/15/19

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"Chariton vividly captures the unique idiosyncrasies of Warhol while giving inner life to lines Warhol might have really said." - Broadway World

"The skill of Melocchi’s writing is matched by the remarkable acting work by Stevenson and Chariton." - Total Theater

"As 18-year-old Andy, Chariton is remarkable. The pale and fragile teenager with the haunted mien displays flashes of confidence and humor that hint at the famed provocateur to come. Chariton subtly shapes his character, building from a likely loser with a far-fetched dream of success in New York to an artist inseparable from his art." -Larchmont Buzz

Chariton's richly-shaded performance is and intriguing mix of Andy's awkward self-consciousness and unshakable confidence in his own artistic gifts" - LA TImes

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